We humans are slowly learning to take less and treasure more, just like days gone by. I aim to live lightly and damage little. I make everything on a hand-crank singer sewing machine, not only for its wonderful and reliable straight stitch , but also because it requires no power, just (wo)man power. My sustainability beliefs permeate right through everything. My packaging is recycled card, I collect packing paper from neighbours so it can be reused, my envelopes are living a second life – gumtree is a great source of used packaging.
I make slow because beautiful things need care and attention. I want people to be able to treasure their possessions, I believe in the conscious consumer.
My work is dictated by what pieces or colours of leather I receive. It is a very liberating way to work because Im never tied to repetition, I can only make one-offs or very small batch so each piece can be special.